Our Approach
No other educational or treatment approach to autism meets the standards of scientific proof that are met by ABA and there are no other scientifically valid treatments for autism that produce similar treatment, educational, or outcome results.
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
Decades of research has found ABA to be the most effective treatment for children and adolescents with autism and other developmental disabilities, producing meaningful and significant changes in language, cognition, play, social, daily living skills, and challenging behaviors.
Early Intensive ABA
Decades of research has found early, intensive ABA to be the most effective treatment for children with autism, producing meaningful and significant changes in language, play, social, and daily living skills.
What We Teach
Each child that we serve receives a program that is tailored to meet his or her individual needs. Prior to starting treatment, we conduct a comprehensive assessment of your child’s skills and challenging behaviors to create his or her individualized program. If there is an area in which your child needs help or a skill your child needs to learn, we are here to design a treatment plan to meet your child’s needs.
How We Teach
At ABI, we feel that it’s crucial to our kids’ success to incorporate the latest research into our practice. We use a wide variety of evidence-based procedures based on the principles of applied behavior analysis (ABA) to maximize each child’s success.